Sunday, March 29, 2020

Macau como exemplo? (elogios ao Governo)

In retrospect, Macao's preventive and recovery measures during the initial Covid-19 epidemic outbreak were effective. Advisable is to learn from its policies design and implementation to control virus spread. The research questions of this paper are twofold. First, what are the main measures implemented by Macao Special Administrative Region(SAR) to prevent the spread of Covid 19? And what are the effects of these governmental policies? Second, what strategies are proposed for Macao's tourism industry in the era of the post-Covid 19 Pandemic? The results showed that effective regulations helped this tourism city to prevent the spread of the contagious virus and achieve recovery of the tourism industry in a short time.


The measures employed by the Macau government to tackle the latest community COVID-19 outbreak, including a 12-day partial lockdown, were acknowledged by the Mainland Chinese experts, a Health Bureau official said today (Wednesday).

Lam Chong, director of the Health Bureau’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, made the remarks at Macau Forum, a daily morning phone-in show of local public broadcaster TDM Radio Chinese, which discussed today the performance of the authorities concerning the local outbreak that began on June 18 and caused by Omicron variant BA.5.1.

In response to the criticism that the Macau government was slow and indecisive over the latest outbreak, Mr Lam said today it is “rather difficult” to tackle the Omicron variants, which are highly contagious, and some mainland cities have taken a long time to bring Omicron outbreaks under control.


Jacky Cheong não tem dúvidas que Macau conseguirá resolver a situação epidémica e voltar a uma taxa de infeção zero em pouco tempo. Diz que à exceção de alguns erros no início, as autoridades estiveram bem e que os resultados desta semana determinarão a rapidez com que se levantará as medidas antipandémicas. Sobre a coexistência com o vírus, reitera que depende sempre da capacidade do sistema de saúde em dar resposta, e que em Macau os grupos mais vulneráveis seriam afetados


"A situação está controlada, Macau continua a ser uma excepção, penso que é dos poucos sítios no Mundo em que podemos dizer que a infeção não chegou a entrar na comunidade. Os casos que temos foram importados,  não há transmissão, o que faz de Macau uma bolha, o que é uma raridade no que vemos no Mundo e mesmo aqui ao lado em Hong Kong e na China", garantiu o médico Mário Évora.

A RAEM com a política de “zero casos” optou pelo caminho correto de colocar a vida humana acima de todos e quaisquer outros valores, protegendo as camadas mais vulneráveis da sociedade e, deste modo, garantindo a estabilidade social.

Se compararmos a abordagem dos Governos de Hong Kong e de Macau na resposta à pandemia, compreendemos que o Governo de Macau é digno de louvor. Porque o Governo de Macau foi capaz de pensar na corrida até ao final da epidemia, como a prova dos últimos 1.000 metros e não como a prova do último quilómetro. Quando visualizamos um quilómetro surge-nos uma entidade unitária, difícil de ultrapassar enquanto tal, ao passo que 1.000 metros são constituídos por muitas pequenas parcelas. O Governo avança uns poucos metros todos os dias e, mais cedo ou mais tarde, completará os 1.000 metros. PWCC

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has affirmed the Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) government’s policy response in containing the COVID-19 pandemic and the deployment of fiscal resources to soften its adverse impact on the economy, the Monetary Authority of Macao (AMCM) said.
The linked exchange rate system between the Macau pataca and the Hong Kong dollar continued to serve the Macau SAR well, underpinning its economic and financial stability, according to a concluding statement from the IMF Article IV consultation for Macau through virtual meetings from Jan. 10 to Jan. 21.


Alguns órgãos de comunicação social anunciaram no passado dia 8 que várias pessoas em Macau são a favor da promulgação da “Lei da Máscara”. Mas, como em tudo, há também quem discorde. O motivo que desencadeou a hipótese de se criar esta lei foi a contaminação de um segurança pelo coronavírus, devido a não ter usado a máscara correctamente. Nas três semanas seguintes, realizaram-se em Macau dois testes em massa à população e foram detectados três casos de infecção. Os residentes ficaram mais alerta para a possibilidade de o vírus se propagar na comunidade e para se encontrar todas as formas de o travar. Além disso, algumas pessoas não usam máscara quando se reunem ao ar livre. Se algumas estiverem infectadas, o virus propaga-se e a prevenção da epidemia passa a ter falhas.


No primeiro dia em que esta norma entrou em efeito, o “Código de Saúde de Macau” sofreu alguns problemas de funcionamento. As autoridades explicaram que a situação ficou a dever-se à conexão instável à base de dados dos resultados de testes de ácido nucleico de Guangdong, e não ao sistema do código em si ou a uma sobrecarga de utilizadores. Falta saúde ao Código de Saúde? Com todos os inconvenientes daí resultantes, irão os residentes compreender as razões por detrás deste mau funcionamento? Já em maio passado o código sofreu vários problemas, devido a ataques cibernéticos e mau funcionamento técnico. 


Macau has succeeded in managing the adverse effects of COVID-19, illustrating the “coexistence of challenges and opportunities from experiencing the epidemic” states a new research paper. The four authors have no doubts in stating that “Macau’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic could be taken as a city case study example.” 

President Xi Jinping on Wednesday heard a work report via video link from Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng on the Macao SAR government's work in 2020 and Macao's current situation. "While preventing and controlling the COVID-19 epidemic, effective measures have been taken to restore the economy and overcome the people's difficulties. These measures have achieved positive results and promoted social harmony in Macao," Xi told Ho. "The central authorities fully acknowledge the work you and the Macao SAR government have done," Xi said.

De resto, é preciso olhar para o `ranking` da plataforma `online` Worldmeter, que reúne estatística mundial sobre a pandemia, para descobrir Macau no fundo da tabela de casos e óbitos, `concorrendo` com territórios como Ilhas Salomão, Samoa, Micronésia, Vanuatu, Cidade do Vaticano e Ilhas Marshall.

Existem sete locais que nunca chegaram a ter qualquer caso de Covid-19 e nove que, até ao momento, conseguiram controlar o SARS-CoV-2. A RAEM é um desses lugares.

The information and narrative contained herein may be of useful to other parts of the world in COVID-19 control and prevention, especially cities with ultra-high population densities. The four main lessons from Macau SAR are: (1) Proactive leadership and early prevention. (2) Strict adherence to community endemic control. (3) Clear prioritising of public health. (4) Planed relief for financial hardships amidst the post-pandemic recession. 

These strategies received well responses from the public. However, in the context of normalization of the epidemic situation, it is necessary for the Macao government and residents to review the current strategies and identify the weaknesses so that improvement can be made. Only when continuous efforts from the whole community are made, can Macao maintain a record of no community-transmitted cases, when there are re-surges of COVID-19 cases in the neighboring regions.

Community-based preventions for COVID-19 in Macao and their effectiveness.
Source: Macau Journal of Nursing . 2020, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p1-6. 6p.
Author(s): Hao Ieng Cheong; Aimei Mao

These measures heightened the confidence of the public in the government with the added benefit of keeping the public informed and ensuring that they learnt the correct response. 

RECOMENDAçÃO: The region has a lot of logistic, medical, and economic developments planned. In the future, there should be more resources given to a disease control system within the region, these development should be synchronized along with the economic development in the region.

Macao SAR took this epidemic outbreak as the most dangerous and
serious situation which might cause the huge damage to Macao
society. There have been several policies and strategies announced
and applied since 23 Jan 2020 in Macao and based on the suggestions
from Dr. Zhong Nanshan, the head of the high-level expert team of
the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China
The Responses and Challenges of COVID-19 in Macao.
Macao government put the efforts to prevent the outbreak
of COVID-19, it is a milestone in public health with the hope to
block the outbreak of this infectious disease in Macao. The most important
thing is that Macao government stays vigilant for the quick
responses to face the public health crisis or disaster to this pandemic
infectious disease of COVID-19. The useful strategies to deal
with this crisis including centralized visitors from Hubei province,
enough quantities of facial masks for residents and workers, and
suspension of all activities as anti-epidemic period for residents
staying at home over one month since the outbreak of COVID-19
on 21 Jan 2020.
HSU, Mei Hua Kerry∗
Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao

This opinion review describes the underlying factors that could have contributed to the successful experience in Macao SAR, China, which include the following: (1) Early implementation of containment measures; (2) Large-scale quarantine using hotel rooms to reduce the risk of a local outbreak; and (3) Multidisciplinary co-operation and transparency of information to the public. Although the successful experience in Macao SAR, China, may not be generalized to other regions, it should not be unreasonable to be well prepared with sufficient logistic support to conduct timely containment and early detection of episodic cases to prevent the backsliding of COVID-19 outbreak. To date, all patients had been discharged successfully from Centro Hospitalar Conde de São Januário, a designated hospital to manage all COVID-19 patients in Macao. Eventually, no patient died, and no local community outbreak was noted. From our perspectives, it was a win in the battle against COVID-19 to curb the virus spreading in the public leading a less drastic surge of medical demand. By doing so, every patient could receive adequate resources and possibly the best prognosis. Thus, the key question would be: “What factors might contribute to the success of mitigating the local outbreak in Macao?” To sum up, that would be the early implementation of combined containment approach, expansion of institutional quarantine capacity with serial viral RNA tests, latest information transparently delivered to the public to ensure sufficient communication between the government and the public, and an efficient authority coordinating different parties in the society to respond to the outbreak.

Macau has taken the lead in achieving zero patients in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. As of the end of June, there have been no new imported cases for more than 70 consecutive days, thanks to Macau's efficient urban epidemic prevention and control measures. Looking back at Macau's epidemic prevention measures in the first half of 2020, there are mainly the following seven points:
Analyze Macau City During Public Health Emergencies and Countermeasures

Macao SAR took this epidemic outbreak as the most dangerous and
serious situation which might cause the huge damage to Macao
society. There have been several policies and strategies announced
and applied since 23 Jan 2020 in Macao and based on the suggestions
from Dr. Zhong Nanshan, the head of the high-level expert team of
the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China. There was the first time for casinos suspension in Macao since
1,847 which is benefit to Macao society for the outbreak of this
infectious disease.
The Responses and Challenges of COVID-19 in Macao

What has distinguished Macau's response to the virus, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 18,200, has been its willingness to act quickly. The city's first COVID-19 case was confirmed on Jan. 22. Almost immediately after, the city's leader Ho Iat-seng implemented measures to cut public services and scale back transportation. A law was passed requiring all passengers aboard public transportation to wear face masks. Schools were closed and still remain closed. "Macau was the first city outside China – albeit an SAR of China – that was the first to go on lockdown," says McCartney. "The measures were tough, especially for someone like me who likes to go to the gym every day. We were suddenly told no gyms, no bars, no restaurants, public parks – everything closed." "Macau residents in general are satisfied with the government responsiveness on the coronavirus as the related bureaus hold daily press conferences to update the newest information on government policies," says Ieong Meng–U, a professor of political science at the University of Macau. "Also, the Macau government guaranteed that every resident can buy 10 face masks every 10 days." He adds that the "policies give local residents confidence that the government is doing its job and is moving in the right direction. , "there is no panic in the Macau society," says Meng–U. "Local residents are generally feeling safe to go on the street, but are still wearing face masks." says McCartney. "Keeping an ear to the ground and being able to react as the data comes in and not waiting too long is essential."

The lock-down also allowed the Macau government to showcase itself as a professionally prepared
and exemplary city-state politically committed to the wider Chinese national project of health
surveillance in line with the perspective of ‘hygienic modernity’ (Rogaski 2004). For some of our
interviewees, Macau was seen as one of the ideal places for lock-down with ‘safety from the virus,
good food and a friendly atmosphere where people do not fight on the streets (unlike in
Hong Kong)’ (personal communication). Other residents in Macau further argued that the pandemic
could provide a subtle opportunity for further control of the casino businesses, particularly in the
context of the ongoing US–China trade war. Macau in this respect has been much more pro-Beijing
than Hong Kong in terms of following instructions and guidelines in order to remain in favorable
light (Zhu and Valles 2020). Indeed, ‘many of the casino construction schedules have been disrupted
and could not resume works due to a lack of incoming labour from mainland China’ (personal
communication). This put the whole gaming industry in Macau in a state of ‘lingering anxiety.’
Anxious immobilities: an ethnography of coping with contagion (Covid-19) in Macau
Dennis Zuev & Kevin Hannam

With no immediate end to the current pandemic in sight, Macau casinos’ operational
adjustments could provide insight into the ongoing business activity under COVID-19, and
that might also augur the future of gaming in other Asian jurisdictionsNotwithstanding the foregoing, Macau's decisive response to this public health crisis has been notable in the region. This relative success in containing the coronavirus could be attributed to the early government interventions and ongoing community vigilance. In particular, the Macau government has been making necessary decisions and adjustments on a timely basis in view of the latest COVID-19 developments. Macau was the first gaming jurisdiction to close its casinos, and gaming destinations worldwide likewise have suspended their gaming operations amid the pandemic. It is argued that the gaming authorities across jurisdictions have developed a global regulatory standard that the protection of public health supersedes any economic interest and other considerations.

Survey results show a high level of public satisfaction towards epidemicprevention performance, as well as some forms of collaborative information redissemination behavior in social media platforms (...) series of public policies responding to the epidemic were enacted quickly together with effective communications strategies, thereby winning the world’s praise and applause from well-known news journals to academic scholars (South China Morning Post, 2020; Keegan, 2020; Au, 2020). Other epidemic prevention policies that have been highly recognized not only locally (Au, 2020), but also regionally (United Daily News Group, 2020), nationally (Xin Hua Net, 2020), and internationally (Keegan, 2020), (...) The Macao government has enjoyed a high level of trust from the society before the epidemic (Journal Seng Pou, 2019), and as reviewed in the literature section, the Macao government generally adopts the approach suggested by the dialogic theory (mutuality, propinquity, empathy, commitment, and handling of risk) in its policy implementation, e.g. emphasizing public consultation, engaging community associations, supportive subsidy programs, management by statistical figures, etc. Overall, the above strategies or lessons that could be learned from the Macao government; as one of the world’s most densely populated cities, Macao has tackled COVID-19 for more than half a year as of July 2020, using effective dialogic communication strategies. Macao may be used as a reference for similar urbanized and densely populated cities in other territories.
 Towards a Dialogic Approach: Crisis Communications and Public Reactions in the World’s Most Densely Populated City to Tackle COVID-19

O professor da Faculdade de Medicina da MUST especialista em medicina interna e farmacologia clínica assinalou a eficácia das medidas de saúde pública implementadas em Macau para travar a epidemia e apontou os riscos inerentes à abordagem de imunidade de grupo assumido pela Suécia. Brian Tomlinson considerou expectável o surgimento de uma vacina eficaz no início de 2021, mas não se mostrou confiante quanto à erradicação da doença e deu como exemplo o caso da gripe.

 Survey results show a high level of public satisfaction towards epidemic prevention performance, as well as some forms of collaborative information redissemination behavior in social media platforms.

Durante o encontro, He Lifeng elogiou o facto de Macau “não ter casos comunitários de propagação de pneumonia causada pelo novo tipo de coronavírus” e enalteceu o trabalho do Governo da RAEM e a solidariedade dos residentes de Macau. “Sob a liderança do Chefe do Executivo, logo após o surgimento da epidemia, Macau adoptou medidas de apoio, permitindo retomar gradualmente a economia”, disse He Lifeng.

A China elogiou hoje Macau pelo controlo local no combate à covid-19 e pela sua estreia numa missão internacional de emergência no Sudão e na Algéria.


O facto de Macau já ter tido a experiência da SARS e de dispor de um quadro legal que regula a acção aquando de um cenário marcado por uma doença infecto-contagiosa levou a que tivessem sido implementadas medidas preventivas de forma mais rápida quando comparado com outros pontos no mundo, como é o caso de Portugal. A conclusão é de Vera Lúcia Raposo, docente da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, que num artigo intitulado “Macau, a luta contra a Covid-19 no olho do furacão” alerta ainda para o perigo de alguns governos restringirem liberdades mesmo depois de a pandemia estar controlada

“Macau foi a primeira região do país a implementar medidas como a medição de temperatura para todos os voos vindos de Wuhan, desde 1 de Janeiro. Macau é uma área de baixo risco, todos os 45 casos que tivemos já receberam alta hospitalar”, afirmou o Chefe do Executivo.

A razão de estar um passo à frente em relação ao resto do país reside no facto de a diretora morar num dos locais do mundo que mais bem conseguiram controlar a pandemia: Macau. “Vivo num dos sítios com maior densidade populacional no mundo e conseguiu-se controlar a pandemia, só por causa das medidas rigorosas que eles tomaram”, explica à Renascença Graça Morais, diretora da Casa de Repouso Jardim da Foz. A diretora trabalha como jurista no Comissariado contra a Corrupção do Governo de Macau. Vai acompanhando o lar à distância, com o apoio da diretora técnica.

Two researchers from the University of Macau have just published an article analysing “The struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic in Macao” and concluded that the city has won that struggle, amid some legal doubts.
According to Vera Lúcia Raposo, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, and Man Teng Iong (Senior Instructor in the same faculty), “unlike the tragic scenarios experienced in other regions, Macau keeps the infection controlled given that the Macau government has adopted efficient and suitably targeted measures against the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The former head of an obscure (though important) bureau, two rungs below secretarial level, Ao has excelled at putting her traditionally lackadaisical bureaucratic machinery to work, implementing clever, if not always perfect, tech-backed practical solutions to challenges presented by the coronavirus outbreak. Who would have thought Macau capable of such efficiency prior to this epidemic? She has, together with her cabinet colleagues, put Macau on the world map for its handling of this crisis. MACAU INC

“Macau’s fast response to the COVID-19 epidemic offer insights into how to contain an epidemic and prevent mass panic,” says Anna Weng Ian Au, a health scientist and science communicator, author a of new research paper called “Communicating Prevention in the COVID-19 Epidemic: Case Study on Macau SAR.” The scientist concludes that “Macau’s prevention communication is not perfect, but the city’s experience offers insights to European authorities on how to contain the epidemic and minimize undesirable outcomes as the epidemic is just beginning in Europe.”

Las Vegas needs a COVID-19 containment lesson from Macao

The People’s Daily has published a feature story about a young woman born in Macau who has been fighting the coronavirus at its source in Wuhan. The story seeks to present the ideal that Macau residents are delighted to be contributing to healthcare work in the motherland.

There is only one comparable model, Macau. By government decree, the casinos in Macau closed February 4. That lasted two weeks before the casinos were allowed to reopen. One of the requirements was social distancing; casinos were only allowed to open half of their table games, and those tables could only entertain half the regular number of players.  By the middle of March, 80% of the tables had begun operating again, albeit with additional requirements for wearing masks and cleaning all surfaces on a regular basis.  Although the casinos are open, clean, and relatively safe, the customers have not rushed back.   Gaming revenue in February was down 87% and 80% in March – a month that saw just 250,000 tourists.  It is a bleak picture to use as a model, but some conditions in Macau will not be applicable to this country.

As a region often cited as the most densely populated in the world, Macau has implemented many lessons from the 2002 SARS crisis. It deserves to be recognized for its success, far superior to most other regions around the world and no less than on par with the very best of its Asian neighbors

Existe un modelo de estudio que se puede analizar, para comenzar al menos a imaginar el proceso de recuperación: Macao. La meca asiática de los casinos reabrió las puertas de sus salas tras un mes de confinamiento, y si bien mantuvo fuertes restricciones para los visitantes, puede servir como posible avance de lo que vendrá en cada mercado de Europa y toda América.
Lessons From Macau, the Densely Populated Region Beating Back COVID-19
Experts say New York City and other urban centers can look to Macau, the world’s most densely-populated region, for tips on tackling coronavirus.